Thursday 12 November 2009

Work Experience.

Ive been thinking about work experience, and im not sure entirely about what i want to do...
i would really like to learn more about tailoring, i think its one of the areas i am more interested in fashion.
Location wise i could do it in Leeds, Brighton where i live or london cos i have alot of family and mates who live there. So the choice is pretty wide..
I have a massive love for one mens tailoring company in brighton, Gresham Blakes. Its in the lanes and i use to go in there for lots of inspiration for my foundation which was over the road. so im tempted to email them for work experience next summer.

Or Gieves and Hawkes in Leeds...

Other than tailors i literally have no idea where i would like to gain work experience.
I am going to do some on the emmerdale wardrobe set soon, a few of my friends are sound producers there and they said i can go and help out in the studio sometime!
I always wanted to do costume when i was younger, and the idea of working in television really appeals to me...

I hate thinking about the future though, it makes me feel a bit sick!
What i really want to do is move abroad, to south of france or north of spain, and go on cruise ships for a while as a barmaid and see the world...

The fashion world is all a bit cut throat for me! ive come to realise just how many people are fighting ove one job or to be different. i cant take it!

i just try not to get too caught up thinking about all that...

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