Tuesday 10 November 2009

Beginning critical and contextual studies.

Surprisingly i very much enjoyed our lecture this morning, with the lovely tom, after having a terrible year last year not understanding a word, i learned more in this hour than the whole of last year.
We were learning about aesthetics and beauty which was fascinating.
How you have to disengage with something to truly appreciate somethings beauty. When someone considers something beautiful for example another person. This is because they are attracted or associate them with sex. To truly appreciate beauty none of these other factors can intefere with objectifying the person as beautiful.

Learning about DesCartes and "i think therefore i am" ideas. and dualism, where "the body is the vehicle of the mind". He told us about how Descartes believed nothing truly exists except the mind of the individual and thats how everything is built up around the mind of the person.
All the different philosophers have completely different theories and ideas, it seems a bit crazy.
How did they come up with all these thoughts, and why ! how did they ever even begin to think of these theories!
Still fascinating none the less, it made me quite thoughtful all day.
Marcells seminar was also suprisingly good, he reinforced the lecture and we had a good discussion, which brought up some interesting points...
im left unusually satisfied from philosophical talks!

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