Monday 11 January 2010

Not. Happy.

i will upload a blog post of my last project soon. But i want to first rant about the joke of today. Getting back our results from "innovative" cut, is a joke.
I did not receive a bad mark, but when compared to others who began their garment the day before & handed in late, while i and others had spent two weeks in studio 8, 9 hours a day, to find i barely scraped a few marks above them. Ridiculous. It makes me question why i a even on this course. i dont make pretty dresses, i detest making/designing them, why when you can buy them in topshop?
I clearly picked the wrong thing to do.
innovation was clearly not the title of this project.

Not happy at all. Cant be bothered at all anymore.


ThisIsNepenthe said...

But Stubbs, the reason you buy pretty clothes from Topshop is so you can trace around them, remake them
in a different fabric, accessorise with a few chains and pass it off as your own! But don't worry, you won't get told off and you'll still pass. Yay for hypocrisy!

Ian Edward Prentice. said...

I will snuggle with you in your sleeping bag-coat any day.