Wednesday 3 June 2009

Year two action plan

My main weak points this year have been mostly time keeping, non concentration especially at the beginning of term, and lack of motivation at times.
Next year i am going to set targets on a daily basis and keep to them as best i can. I really made use of time when we had enforced tasks to do by whichever time, so if i can set myself those goals next year i feel i will acheive alot more in college time.
I am easily distracted so i need to sort of work on my own and set myself up away from people in order to acheive these kind of tasks. I often leave deadlines til last minute because i am slow to start and i find i work slowly on research and enjoy reading it in too much depth and am left a few days before with nothing but research which doesnt even look like alot because its not always on paper, more in my head.

At the beginning of term i think i took far too much advantage of the freedom of living on your own and wanted to venture in leeds too much, and without strict parents to enforce staying in and working, i allowed myself too much party time. This has definately calmed down alot through the year, especially with my spending habits!
Next year i aim to be focused on my work alot more, i really want to push my ideas further, rather than settling last minute because there is no more time to pursue them and ive left it too late.
I have chosen Fashion and Innovation pathway, which im excited for, i aim to become much more competent with technology, the industry is so tech based these days that without that knowledge it will be difficult to pursue a career in it.
I want to learn alot more about promotion and business, to promote yourself in the competitive industry.

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