Wednesday 3 June 2009

Year two action plan

My main weak points this year have been mostly time keeping, non concentration especially at the beginning of term, and lack of motivation at times.
Next year i am going to set targets on a daily basis and keep to them as best i can. I really made use of time when we had enforced tasks to do by whichever time, so if i can set myself those goals next year i feel i will acheive alot more in college time.
I am easily distracted so i need to sort of work on my own and set myself up away from people in order to acheive these kind of tasks. I often leave deadlines til last minute because i am slow to start and i find i work slowly on research and enjoy reading it in too much depth and am left a few days before with nothing but research which doesnt even look like alot because its not always on paper, more in my head.

At the beginning of term i think i took far too much advantage of the freedom of living on your own and wanted to venture in leeds too much, and without strict parents to enforce staying in and working, i allowed myself too much party time. This has definately calmed down alot through the year, especially with my spending habits!
Next year i aim to be focused on my work alot more, i really want to push my ideas further, rather than settling last minute because there is no more time to pursue them and ive left it too late.
I have chosen Fashion and Innovation pathway, which im excited for, i aim to become much more competent with technology, the industry is so tech based these days that without that knowledge it will be difficult to pursue a career in it.
I want to learn alot more about promotion and business, to promote yourself in the competitive industry.

15 images

My 15 final images, not necessarily the best, but my favourite parts of the year...

The Beginning of the year, Drawing Workshops, i love this free experimental style of drawing

This is my other favourite, i love the orangey warm colours and the fluidity of the pen lines.

The Research on the Chapman Brothers really excited me, id seen their work before but never fully appreciated the meaning and concepts behind it.
My final piece from Chapman Brothers research, i love the strangeness of the picture, how ian looks like an alien. It was very constricting and tight and i was very pleased with the final outcome.

Researching at the beginning of Creative Practices was very exciting, this is probably where i had my most interesting ideas all year,

The knitting samples had to go in, i was so proud of myself when i taught myself to knit from the internet, id love to learn more techniques. It can be very innovative

Designing for a market was at first so hard for me, id never done it before but i quickly began to get so many ideas, and this is my start of menswear, which was a massive step for me.

I just love my final line up, i think it works really well and i am really proud of my drawings.

Looking into Razzle Camouflage was so interesting, id never heard of it before, the whole concept was quite thrilling.

Taking from razzle camouflage i had alot of fun designing from it for my recyclable coat.

The final image of my jacket i really like, it doesnt look as though it was made from 100% recycled plastic bags, which is exactly what i was aiming for.
These are the plastic bag samples ironed together to create patterns
Jigsaw Experimentation, painted and camouflaged to look like bricks

The Geometricly striped Razzle effect jacket, little experiment to test camouflage.

My Final garment of Interdisciplinary, The Mens sportswear reversible jigsaw hoodie.


The beginning of Interdisciplinary was a massive nightmare, the fabric workshop was, for me a massive fail. i was playing about in wax as if i was three years old!

Which is strange for me, in sixth form i did textiles a level and i was obsessed by it, i was sure i wanted to go into textiley art. But i think after so long away from that i found it so difficult to get back into, all my samples were terrible! i left completely uninspired, wondering what to

As soon as i got into researching ideas it got a little better, though by this time i was pretty disheartened and a little behind.

I definately got behind in this project quickly, because i wasnt enjoying it as much as F.A.C i wanted to almost be inspired by those ideas and take them forward...which is why i began to look at geometric patterns and camo again, which i really enjoyed before.

so as soon as i got into this, i researched it out and started looking at jigsaws, which was brilliant.

Jigsaws well excited me, the whole concept of many tiny pieces creating a much larger picture.

I started playing around with painting jigsaws to look like their backgrounds...

Then started looking at more geometric patterns for ideas on camouflage etc...

Whipped up a quick example jacket of geometric camouflage, thought it looked pretty cool but was a bit simple.

I then began to have a few ideas about pattern cutting, with jigsaw seams, tried many ways, but they all stuck out at funny angles, until i considered making it reversible which really gave me some good ideas.

after a long process of finding out what worked etc, i flat pattern cut a toile and with that went on to make this reversible lycra mens jigsaw jacket...

The end result i was fairly pleased with, i had a few disasters but definately enjoyed my venture into sportswear,...whether or not i will venture back im not so sure. Its definately a specialism, because there is so much attention to detail and it has to be fitted, whereas mine is baggier than i had originally wanted.

I think this project wasnt up to scratch of many of my others, but overall i am fairly happy for how late i started...

Tuesday 2 June 2009


Beginning Fashion art and culture was brilliant, i was learning alot from sues lectures and found everything really interesting. I always thought this is the kind of thing i wanted to do, concept fashion. Fashion purely to portray a deeper meaning, rather than simply aesthetic. My favourte part has always been research, reading up on everything that will influence your final ideas. I got taught exciting research development techniques on foundation, and this helped alot with this project. Looking into globalisation and how the recession is affecting our economy and the way we spend and waste. eventually leading into recycling, which excited me greatly.

Looking into landfill sites i discovered we only have 8 years left before we have to ship our rubbish to different countries to dispose of. This got me very passionate, i think its disgusting that we have no control in all our greed and spending and easy disposable lifestyle. why should we be allowed to begin to trash other countries now that we realise we cannot control our own?

If we had begun to recycle a long time ago i think we could have prolonged the inevitable pile up of waste impending on us, but it is very much too little too late.

i got into researching ways of recycling waste into fashion, and plastic bags took my interest. How many plastic bags -shopping etc do we each as an individual throw away daily? just in your household?

They are incredibly durable which made me wonder why they are not used, combined with other fabrics to produce really strong waterproofs, tents, army stuff etc...

I researched a bit more and found that when they are ironed together the new fabric they create is so strong, it is almost impossible to tear.

Also can be sen together, trap stuff in etc..

i had a play about with creating nice patterns...

This inspired me to look at camo patterns and army stuff to inspire the fabric choice.

and eventually ended up looking at razzle pattern for navy warships to lead on to this as my final idea

with beautiful gman modelling for me!

Loving Menswear

In the middle of Creative Practices i discovered that i love doing menswear. It had never been something id really been able to do. It seemed like a natural progression throughout the project, from when i started to look more in mens shops for market research, and being more interested in that. Almost all of my best friends are boys and i have always been shopping with them for their clothes so i have always taken a retail interst in menswear. This then applied into high street design really got me excited, so i think this could be a turning point for me...
I think men have it bad for choice and good clothes on the highstreet, i think there is a massive gap in the market for a certain area of menswear.