I cant quite believe its been a whole week since ive written in this! its actually flown by, the time has just gone, i can barely tell the days apart...
hmm well, i think the highlights have been getting back into drawing on wednesday, especially line drawings, it reminded me of the beginning of foundation which was incredibly exciting...
Line drawings are my favourite way of drawing, especially continous line in dribbly inks so i was definately in my element in the first session of the morning...
this is one of the later attempts...
In the afternoon we moved into more textural drawing methods, this i didnt enjoy so much, i really enjoyed textiles at a-level but ive rapidly gone off it ever foundation and i have been left with a very small amount of passion for chunky knit or embellishment textiles. i much prefer working with bold pattern or innovative cut and the architecture of clothing.
I was struggling a little bit when interpreting textures with bits of stuff we found in the classroom, i just wanted to get back into drawing them with fineliners!
but this is a compromise of a fashion drawing and a bit of texture incorporated in!!

Im getting quite into my work for the research project but im getting frustrated at the fact that we cant stick anything in yet, so i have already, but i love researching so could go on for ages, no problem. I am becoming increasingly obsessed with artistic duo's, have been reading into gilbert and george aswell as the chapmans. i think i want to be a fine artist, it would just be so amazing to be able to create these epic installations that people really relate to and get excited about! im doing the wrong course!! no...
The first few pages of working on Jake and Dinos...

What i am looking forward to is starting pattern cutting again, i was lucky enough to be able to do an NCFE last year in it so i want to get right back into it and build on what i learnt...friday was a little taster of that and im looking forward to carrying on...
Today was another cool critical lesson, had some good debates, think we challenged Marcell a little which is good to keep everyone on their toes. Does me good to have a good little think every now and then...Im quite enjoying reading up on images and objects in context, and its making alot of sense, especially in relation to fashion, how its very subjective...
but yeah, more drawing, thats what i need to get practised at again, im trying to draw every day, i used to draw on the train for an hour everyday, of people asleep etc and i miss doing that so i need to keep start drawing my flatmates...