Monday 29 September 2008

Ive accidentally managed to put that im "following" my own blog which looks pretty vain...
Began critical studies today which got me raring to write, this next to pattern cutting was my favourite element of foundation, discussing and learning about art/fashion in context, investigating into deeper concepts and understanding the wider perspective and what influences the art/fashion world is thrilling. The man that took us today was a little pessimistic, he said "this might be boring but you have got to do it" etc but i was like "YES" i love writing and discussing ideas about art, probably as much or more than i like drawing!
i think i am much more inspired by sculpture and modern art than i am by other fashion designers.
At the minute i am a bit obsessed with the Chapman Brothers, i saw Sensation when i was about ten and didnt think alot of it. This summer i have got back into them, paticuarly fascinated with the Zygotic acceleration models, their concepts fascinate me. The idea behind the models is anti-genetically engineering foetuses, its a statement against how the world has become obsessed with perfection and beauty to the point people are willing to risk so much. This leads me into plastic surgery and anorexia etc, which i have looked at quite alot in the past through fine art projects. I think this is also one of the reasons i chose fashion, because in a way i despise the fashion industry, its quite disgusting and there is so much illness and competition.

Dinos and Jake Chapman

Zygotic Acceleration, Biogentic, Desubliminated Libidinal Model.

I really admire Fashion Designers like Hussein Chayalan, Lucy Orta and Leigh Bowery because their ideas are a bit out there, like Leigh bowery lived for performance art, he was art himself and that sort of dedication and individuality is admirable.

The talk today made me want to go and read into philosophers views on the fashion industry. So this is what i am going to do...

Sunday 28 September 2008

The last two weeks of college have been rather a bit of a blur. Its gone so fast i can barely distinguish between the days, i suppose this time has been rather more about settling in and getting to know people than beginning any form of serious work just yet.
Ive just started to feel as though ive been here for much longer and have rather started to enjoy myself....
After the briefing for the coming projects over the year i have started to get excited about what is to come. The aspect i am most looking forward to this year is continuing with pattern cutting. I did an NCFE in it last year and absolutely loved it, it gave me a real insight into realising outcomes for clothes and limits etc on outrageousness rather than simply illustrating fashion pictures.
Before my art foundation i was set on becoming a costume designer and had been for years, as soon i went there i was introduced to so much more and changed my mind weekly about what i wanted to do. So i have come very open minded into this fashion course, and im not sure which direction i will take in the end.

One thing i need to get into is being more organised, the state of my room is reflective of my organisational skills ie, absolutely appauling. To work in any competetive industry you have to have a business head screwed on so this is one of my main goals for this year. Especially with deadlines and i think when we get to work with the third year on their project this might help me for i would feel guilty letting someone else down on their hard work.
Also another major thing is presentation

On the workshop thing we did i discovered i was a social learner, which suprised me greatly, i think when i am trying to work effectively i have to be on my own or i am incredibly easily distracted. But i do agree that i need to discuss ideas etc before i go about doing them, maybe this will be a key part of my learning for this year...

All in all really i am just beginning to get excited for what is to come...