Thursday 13 November 2008

Crikey, it feels like ages since i have written in my Blog, i think its been a month, whoops. I believe there not to be enough hours in my days. Seems like i am constantly busy, whether in college, out with friends, sleeping, working in pub, college work, washing or cooking!

there is alot to think about and do when you live on your own without parental help!

Where to start...well half term was a lovely break, managed to get out of Leeds for a little bit and adventure into Yorkshire Dales, up into Ilkley moor, and Bolton abbey and saw some of the beautiful sights and scenery, the open space and fresh air was so inspiring and reminded me of home so satisfied my missing of the Sussex Downs. Was also good to clear my head of all boozy cobwebs that linger after many nights of debauchery. Have been feeling generally pretty ropey, got tonsilitus too, for the millionth time which was a bit shit. So this day was much needed.

Work wise, i am entirely confused, my project is just developing into a fine art project and i keep getting the urge to make a sculpture. I think i am still a bit confused about whether fashion is the thing i eventually want to do but i am enjoying it for the minute.
I was a bit stuck, but its getting there i think, i have always been more inspired by writing/drawing but when i had a go at just making it and going for it, i got a lot further...

This is inspired directly from the Plastic surgery/suppressive Media influence. A straight jacket with optional face cover. Claustrophobic and difficult to wear. Making the wearer feel self concious and supressed.

Just need to finish it off, i have an idea for the final photos...essentially it will be a row of "clones" photos of the same person photoshopped together which will reflect the sheep effect and Chapmans work.

In patten cutting on fridays i have been a little bored, i did a pattern cutting NCFE last year so i know most of the basic techniques, but i know its always good to be reminded so im not complaining too much.

Im looking forward to Christmas quite alot, i didnt think i missed anyone from home until i started thinking about the festive season...and now im a bit nostalgic about my open fire,and the seaside, my lovely family, all the nice food and presents and lifts everywhere and early bedtimes and my cosy house and how clean it is, this is especially bad when your kitchen often looks like this...

and yes that says "fuck off inspector" thank you Matthew Milner.

Another thing is my elective and im loving it, my tutor is so incredibly inspiring, he is amazing. I have been thinking about drawing in a different way, and illustration. He makes me want to work very hard and be as good i was at foundation, i think i have slipped alot recently, almost entirely due to the fact i live without my parents. They were slave drivers and made me wake up and do stuff, without them its so hard! I was like the perfect student, i have never got anything less than a B in all my life, and that was only a B Science GCSE and i got a distinction at foundation, but at the minute i am struggling to keep up with everything. I need a good kick up the arse.

The drawing work i have been doing is slow, i have really been enjoying it alot, but i am terribly behind. Think i have done 10 and i need 30 for next wednesday. hmm. Might go and crack on...

Wednesday 15 October 2008

Ahhh my blog has finally been allowed back into public domain, for a while here they believed it to be robot spam, how preposterous is that.

So its been a while but worth the wait! This week has been fairly busy again, its so difficult to settle into a working pattern, especially living in halls, theres always someone to talk to or get distracted by, i need to get organised so much its actually keeping me from sleeping!

Ive been loving all the fashion drawing we have been doing this week, i love it, although i think i need to broaden my perspective much more, i have always had a distinct style and sort of stuck to it because i do like it, but increasingly i realise thats why im here to try out new things and experiment. We had to photocopy an image from our research to incorporate into our drawings, i chose on of the Chapman brothers child head sculptures and created some bondagey style outfits. Was thinking PVC and vacuum forming shapes etc etc...this is a couple of them

Also did some miniature work on barbies, creating little outfits which was quite fun, my favourite part was the photography of it, it actually looks quite cool on a plastic doll, this has given me some ideas since my artist inspiration is very much to do with plastic mannequins...
Created some sort of generic outifts, nothing as exciting as i could have done, but i find it hard to create through fabric experimentation, for me it is all about experiment through drawing and writing to give me ideas for shapes and design. if i had been able to draw them before this would have been much more exciting.

We then did an anonymous critique with post it notes, i found some of the advice useful, but most of it was just that the illustration was nice. The most interesting thing was noting that of the contrast of the wire and silk which im glad someone thought was exciting.
Ive always found that people, especially girls are generally too nice in crits, i thought anonymous crits would be more meaty, but maybe in the future, we have only just met each other etc...

Aside from this, i just need to plough on with some serious research and drawing for our projects, i am enjoying it alot so thats good but its literally just finding the time, or sticking to the time slot, might draw up a little timetable of my own or something...

Monday 6 October 2008

I cant quite believe its been a whole week since ive written in this! its actually flown by, the time has just gone, i can barely tell the days apart...

hmm well, i think the highlights have been getting back into drawing on wednesday, especially line drawings, it reminded me of the beginning of foundation which was incredibly exciting...

Line drawings are my favourite way of drawing, especially continous line in dribbly inks so i was definately in my element in the first session of the morning...

this is one of the later attempts...

In the afternoon we moved into more textural drawing methods, this i didnt enjoy so much, i really enjoyed textiles at a-level but ive rapidly gone off it ever foundation and i have been left with a very small amount of passion for chunky knit or embellishment textiles. i much prefer working with bold pattern or innovative cut and the architecture of clothing.

I was struggling a little bit when interpreting textures with bits of stuff we found in the classroom, i just wanted to get back into drawing them with fineliners!

but this is a compromise of a fashion drawing and a bit of texture incorporated in!!

Im getting quite into my work for the research project but im getting frustrated at the fact that we cant stick anything in yet, so i have already, but i love researching so could go on for ages, no problem. I am becoming increasingly obsessed with artistic duo's, have been reading into gilbert and george aswell as the chapmans. i think i want to be a fine artist, it would just be so amazing to be able to create these epic installations that people really relate to and get excited about! im doing the wrong course!! no...

The first few pages of working on Jake and Dinos...

What i am looking forward to is starting pattern cutting again, i was lucky enough to be able to do an NCFE last year in it so i want to get right back into it and build on what i learnt...friday was a little taster of that and im looking forward to carrying on...

Today was another cool critical lesson, had some good debates, think we challenged Marcell a little which is good to keep everyone on their toes. Does me good to have a good little think every now and then...Im quite enjoying reading up on images and objects in context, and its making alot of sense, especially in relation to fashion, how its very subjective...

but yeah, more drawing, thats what i need to get practised at again, im trying to draw every day, i used to draw on the train for an hour everyday, of people asleep etc and i miss doing that so i need to keep start drawing my flatmates...

Monday 29 September 2008

Ive accidentally managed to put that im "following" my own blog which looks pretty vain...
Began critical studies today which got me raring to write, this next to pattern cutting was my favourite element of foundation, discussing and learning about art/fashion in context, investigating into deeper concepts and understanding the wider perspective and what influences the art/fashion world is thrilling. The man that took us today was a little pessimistic, he said "this might be boring but you have got to do it" etc but i was like "YES" i love writing and discussing ideas about art, probably as much or more than i like drawing!
i think i am much more inspired by sculpture and modern art than i am by other fashion designers.
At the minute i am a bit obsessed with the Chapman Brothers, i saw Sensation when i was about ten and didnt think alot of it. This summer i have got back into them, paticuarly fascinated with the Zygotic acceleration models, their concepts fascinate me. The idea behind the models is anti-genetically engineering foetuses, its a statement against how the world has become obsessed with perfection and beauty to the point people are willing to risk so much. This leads me into plastic surgery and anorexia etc, which i have looked at quite alot in the past through fine art projects. I think this is also one of the reasons i chose fashion, because in a way i despise the fashion industry, its quite disgusting and there is so much illness and competition.

Dinos and Jake Chapman

Zygotic Acceleration, Biogentic, Desubliminated Libidinal Model.

I really admire Fashion Designers like Hussein Chayalan, Lucy Orta and Leigh Bowery because their ideas are a bit out there, like Leigh bowery lived for performance art, he was art himself and that sort of dedication and individuality is admirable.

The talk today made me want to go and read into philosophers views on the fashion industry. So this is what i am going to do...

Sunday 28 September 2008

The last two weeks of college have been rather a bit of a blur. Its gone so fast i can barely distinguish between the days, i suppose this time has been rather more about settling in and getting to know people than beginning any form of serious work just yet.
Ive just started to feel as though ive been here for much longer and have rather started to enjoy myself....
After the briefing for the coming projects over the year i have started to get excited about what is to come. The aspect i am most looking forward to this year is continuing with pattern cutting. I did an NCFE in it last year and absolutely loved it, it gave me a real insight into realising outcomes for clothes and limits etc on outrageousness rather than simply illustrating fashion pictures.
Before my art foundation i was set on becoming a costume designer and had been for years, as soon i went there i was introduced to so much more and changed my mind weekly about what i wanted to do. So i have come very open minded into this fashion course, and im not sure which direction i will take in the end.

One thing i need to get into is being more organised, the state of my room is reflective of my organisational skills ie, absolutely appauling. To work in any competetive industry you have to have a business head screwed on so this is one of my main goals for this year. Especially with deadlines and i think when we get to work with the third year on their project this might help me for i would feel guilty letting someone else down on their hard work.
Also another major thing is presentation

On the workshop thing we did i discovered i was a social learner, which suprised me greatly, i think when i am trying to work effectively i have to be on my own or i am incredibly easily distracted. But i do agree that i need to discuss ideas etc before i go about doing them, maybe this will be a key part of my learning for this year...

All in all really i am just beginning to get excited for what is to come...